... graduates can easily get a high-paying job both in Ukraine and apply the acquired skills in other countries Alexey Kornienko
Garmin engineer Ltd. (USA), 1998 graduation

... the knowledge and experience you can get here (knowledge and experience itself, not a diploma and closed sessions!) Has been very useful to me and I'm sure you will not regret the effort Danilo Grudzynski
Team Lead / Principal Developer, 2011 graduation

The curriculum, in my opinion, is the most interesting at the faculty, because in addition to theoretical knowledge, I had the opportunity to gain very useful practical knowledge and skills that helped me with employment and further work Ekaterina Yamkovaya
2014 graduation

Being in the 4th year, I can already create complex drawings, and I do it well, I can design a complex network for a high-rise building and fully configure it, automate any process Letter to entrants from a 4th year student

Over the past few years, many new stands, computer classes, controllers and other equipment have appeared, which indicates the interest of the head of the department, the teaching staff in the training of modern future specialists Letter to applicants from a 4th year student

I would like to note that the Department of ATEP provides a very broad education, covering many areas of engineering Antonov Georgy Olegovich
Director of a small scientific enterprise

Our specialty is always not young or old, but mature, as it optimally combines classic automation and modern control technologies Serhiy Batyuk
Technical Director of Klinkmann-Ukraine

To today's applicants and subsequent graduates of the ATEP department, I, first of all, wish success, accumulate knowledge as much as possible, a good start in professional life, and also feel student life as a gift! Hartmut Herpel

The importance of the ATEP department in my professional career - the inherent knowledge of heat engineering at heat electropower station and specialization in the field of automation of heat and power processes at the ATEP department are the foundation of my work biography Christian Herrmann